Published Writing
︎Directing Thought - Ergo (forthcoming)
︎Genericity and Inductive Inference - Philosophy of Science (2023)
︎What’s your opinion? Negation and ‘Weak’ Attitude Verbs - Phil. Quarterly (2023)
︎Meaning and Responsibility w/ Ray Buchanan - Mind & Language (2023)
︎Pragmatic Particularism w/ Ray Buchanan - PPR (2022)
︎A Hole in the Box and a Pain in the Mouth w/ Laurenz Casser - Phil. Quarterly (2021)
︎This Paper Might Change Your Mind w/ Josh Dever - Noûs (2021)
︎Illocutionary Harm - Philosophical Studies (2021)
︎Acts of Desire - Inquiry (2021)
︎Is that a threat? - Erkenntnis (2021)
︎Phenomenal Dispositions - Synthese (2020)
︎The Nyaya Argument for Disjunctivism - History of Philosophy Quarterly (2019)
Work in Progress
revise and resubmit
︎A paper about what we learn from imperatives
︎A paper about domain restriction and cognitive defaults w/ Katherine Ritchie
under review [email for drafts]
︎A paper about how imperatives motivate w/ Shaun Nichols
︎A paper about practical questions and planning w/ Dan Harris
︎Two papers about the attitude of relief w/ Casey O’Callaghan
in progress [email to confirm existence of drafts]
︎A paper about rational learning and discourse structure
︎A paper about rational learning and desire satisfaction
︎A paper about rational learning and Jeffrey conditionalization w/ Josh Dever
︎A paper about domain restriction and discourse structure
︎A paper about domain restriction and rule learning w/ Shaun Nichols
︎A paper about what desires it’s rational to have w/ Daniel Drucker
︎A paper about norms of attention in relationships w/ Margherita Harris
︎A book review of The Politics of Language by David Beaver & Jason Stanley
Recent and Upcoming Talks (2024)
6/2024: “The Functions of Folk Psychology”, Genre and Conversation Workshop
4/2024: “Default Domain Restriction Possibilities”, Dublin Language Workshop
3/2024: “Explaining Abilities”, Ability: Language and Action, Berlin
2/2024: “Wanting Brought to an End”, Washington University in St. Louis
Recent Activities
- Nico Kirk-Giannini (Rutgers) and I will be teaching a seminar on speech acts in dynamic pragmatics at ESSLLI this summer.
- My paper “Wanting Brought to an End” is one of the co-winners of the Twelfth Annual Essay Prize at the Centre for Philosophical Psychology (Bence Nanay's research group).